“Speglingar & Skiftningar”

From a backyard in Australia to a puddle in Sweden, to the wetlands in India and across the mineral rich surfaces in the Caucasus mountains. The exploration of the surface have travelled across the oceans and began in Melbourne in 2008.  Finding peace in the perishable microcosmos of the surface stories, and the multidimentional reflections of the world around. The transcendental flow of nature and mind. The cycle of life.

When the exploration started to shift more into moving images, as well as the examination of different materials and objects the art is printed or projected on, it has grown into a meditative three dimentional journey. In collaboration with different music composers, into a four dimensional. With large scale video projections on different constructions and surfaces, a meta-exploration have also arisen. For example when a dancing forest was projected on a forest and a rocking mountain was projected a on a mountain. Se more from the video installations and live events here.

A selection of stills from the Surface journey